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Prototal Talks
3D Printing Technologies, Materials & Applications at Prototal Industries

Lost in the endless offerings of 3D printing technologies, materials and its applications? Don’t worry, we will have you covered in our latest Prototal Talks the 22nd of May, where Markus Schrittwieser will join us in a deep dive on 3D printing technologies, material selections and its diverse applications!

Join us for an exclusive and free webinar specifically tailored to our in-house offerings and how applications can inspire you to get involved in and benefit from the cutting-edge of Additive Manufacturing.

See you online!


Date: May 22, 2024
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Duration: 1 hour (präsentation + Q&A session)
Topic: 3D Printing Technologies, Materials & Applications at Prototal Industries
Language: English
Lecturer: Markus Schrittwieser

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We will provide you the MS Teams participation link 2 days before the online seminar.

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