Pad printing
In this printing process, a printing plate is first inked. Then a squeegee is used to remove the excess ink so that only the etched indentations remain covered. The silicone pad moves onto the plate, picks up the ink from the recesses and then transfers it from the pad to the part.
Pad printing is suitable for almost all materials and shapes. Its good contour sharpness, color brilliance and durability make it a universal printing process. Thanks to our own data preparation, printing plate production and a color mixing system that covers a wide range of RAL/Pantone color shades, here at 1zu1 we can be very flexible and quick to implement.
Digital printing
The way digital printing works is similar to that of an inkjet printer but with a significantly higher resolution. This process is non-contact and is suitable for a wide range of materials. With a circular printing device, it is also possible to print cylindrical components in full.
The four process colors cyan, magenta, yellow and black cover a wide color spectrum. The main advantages of digital printing are a very short production time and consistent print and color quality. For small production volumes, digital printing also delivers excellent value for money.